June 29, 2023
Relocate documents with ease
Access your full file hierarchy when moving and copying documents
Designed by:
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Steven Ko
Built by:
Luke Tower
Luke Tower

We've updated the move modal with a left sidebar, so that you can easily navigate your folders when you're moving and copying files.

You can scroll through the sidebar and collapse and expand folders and subfolders to find the right new location for your document.

Designed by:
No items found.
Built by:
No items found.

We improved the performance of dragging and dropping elements in the doc editor, so you can reorganize your doc until you get it just right.

Designed by:
No items found.
Built by:
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Bug Fixes
  • For workspaces with configured subdomains or custom domains, we resolved an issue that caused users to be redirected to the Almanac Core when navigating to almanac.io.
  • We fixed a bug that displayed an incorrect number of tracked changes when merging a Layer.
  • We resolved an issue that caused emojis to not properly update for documents that had Version Control Mode enabled from the sidebar.
  • We fixed an issue where viewing a folder as an unauthenticated user would limit you from navigating to other public parent folders.
  • We improved the experience for navigating folders to remove any flickering in the sidebar.
  • We fixed a group of various issues that occurred if an account had an empty last name.